Cooperazione Odontoiatrica Internazionale ETS
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COI – Cooperazione Odontoiatrica Internazionale is a non-profit Organization and a NGO that performs development cooperation activities.

COI head office is located in Turin, in Via Nizza 230, at the Dental School (8 Gallery, Lingotto).

COI activities are regulated by a Statute, in which the Authorities of the Association are described.

The Executive Board, currently composed of 9 members, is the core of COI. It is elected every 3 years by the General Meeting of Members, to which belong all the regularly registered members.

The General Meeting of Members also elects the President (who is also the legal representative of the association), the College of Auditors and the Board of Arbitrators.

COI Executive Board consists of:

President – Marco Lungo

Vice President – Patrizia Di Caccamo

Treasurer - Tanja Gargarella

Other Members of the Board – Kristine Alati, Ludovica Camicia, Paola Ceruti, Marco Negro, Consolata Pejrone

Honorary President: Giancarlo Vecchiati

Honorary members: Francesco Fiori, Giulio Preti, Attilio Toscani

COI staff members:

Projects Coordinator – Flavia Minelli

Desk Officer – Luisa Parco

COI activities can be performed mainly thanks to the support and help of many volunteers who, every day, devote their time to the association.