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Beirut – 4 agosto 2020

Siamo vicini ai nostri amici e colleghi palestinesi che lavorano negli ambulatori dentistici di Assumoud (National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training) a Beirut.

La città ha subìto un colpo terribile ma la popolazione è coesa nell’aiutarsi come ci racconta Kassem Aina, Direttore Generale della ONG Beit Atfal Assumoud.*

Le attivita si sono interrotte e le persone hanno bisogno di tutto, dagli aiuti materiali al supporto psicologico. Perché le esplosioni del 4 agosto sopraggiungono al culmine di una grave crisi economica che aveva portato il Paese al collasso. I nostri partner a Beirut proseguono con il supporto alla popolazione attraverso ogni genere di risposta ai bisogni.

Siamo come sempre al loro fianco in questa circostanza e abbiamo avviato una raccolta fondi straordinaria per queste necessità. Chiunque voglia aderire può versare direttamente sul conto intestato ad Assumoud (National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training)  – IBAN LB56 0108 0000 0000 0011 06845012 – First National Bank di Beirut – SWIFT: FINKLBBE – aggiungendo nella causale “COI funding”.

* “Dear Friends of BAS,

Thank you for all the kind inquiries and wishes for our safety and well-being. We are all grieving the tragic incident that shook our beloved city of Beirut. The people in Lebanon, of all nationalities and affiliations, are grief-stricken and heartbroken. While we are grateful that damage affecting our BAS family was restricted to material losses, our hearts and prayers go to the families of the martyrs, the wounded, and the missing. 

The blast that hit our Beirut has compounded the dark days we are already living. The pandemic, the environmental pollution, the chaos, the economic and the political upheavals, have stormed Lebanon all at once – a strike that the fumbling country cannot absorb. As we write to you, people are still under the shock of yesterday’s explosion, scavenging the rubbles in search of their beloved. The scene is far more horrific on the ground than is being portrayed in the media. Vibrant Beirut turned into a ghost city with only debris and shattered glass on its streets at night. Neighbourhoods are destroyed. Many homes are evacuated as they are in danger of collapsing. The explosion did not spare lives or property, hospitals included, adding to the misery, poverty, and devastation that existed before.

During these difficult times, we continue to offer psychosocial support to people in our camps and their surroundings, adding to the numbers of refugees the numbers of the internally-displaced. 
We’ve stood strong in the face of massacres and wars of all types in Lebanon before. Now, we must stand as strong in solidarity with Beirut, the Lebanese people, and all people who made this beautiful country their second home. 
Thank you for your compassion and for modelling humanism that knows no boundaries or barriers. 
Kassem Aina
General Director

COI sostiene da anni gli ambulatori dentistici di Assumoud.